Vatican Green

The Vatican plans to become the first entirely carbon neutral sovereign state. The Vatican declared that itwill create a new Vatican Climate Forest in Europe that will initially offset all of the Vatican City State's CO2 emissions for this year.

"As the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, had recently stated, the international community needs to respect and encourage a 'Green Culture,' characterized by ethical values. The Book of Genesis tells us of a beginning in which God placed man as guardian over the earth to make it fruitful. When man forgets that he is a faithful servant of this earth, it becomes a desert that threatens the survival of all creation."

The new Vatican Climate Forest will be created in Hungary's Bükk National Park under the auspices of the KlimaFa Climate Parks program. Its dimensions will be determined by the Vatican's 2007 energy usage and the success of its current emission reduction efforts. KlimaFa has received EU JI Track 1 approval to plant thousands of hectares of new native species, mixed growth forests under the permanent protection of European national park systems. Its initial projects are being conducted in collaboration with Hungary's government, Academy of Sciences and National Parks Directorate.

Just thought I'd pass it along....

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