Micro"soft" Stance

Microsoft Corp. may rethink its decision to withdraw support for state legislation that would ban discrimination against gays and lesbians, Chairman Bill Gates says. In an interview with The Seattle Times, Gates said he was surprised by the fierce criticism that followed the company's decision to no longer back a state gay rights bill it had supported in previous years.

The legislation failed by one vote in the state Senate on Thursday, spurring outrage among advocates who accused Microsoft of caving to political pressure from an evangelical pastor.

Microsoft, one of the first companies to offer domestic partner benefits to gay employees, has denied that the pastor or anyone else outside the company influenced its decision. Gates said executives hadn't expected a backlash.

The Rev. Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond subsequently met with Microsoft executives and threatened to organize a national boycott of Microsoft products if it continued to support the bill.

On Friday, the Los Angeles Gay & Lesbian Center asked Microsoft to return a civil rights award it gave the company in 2001. Liberal Web bloggers have urged their critics to organize their own Microsoft boycott.

I'm urging everyone to contact Microsoft. Tell them to get off the fence and start opposing immoral lifestyles and a more consistant basis.

Corporate Headquarters
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399
Telephone1-800-MICROSOFT (1-800-642-7676)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If MS wants to support such an immoral lifestyle there is a choice in OS and software out there (well unless you are a gameer)

And I am not talking about mac's you will not have to buy new hardware, infact you will not have to buy new software eather.

The option I am talking about is Linux. This software is free and works very well (I belive better the windows) and for office tools, you will find all you need on linux, if you want I will come back and name products if people wish to name (non game) software that they would need, and I will list the stuff that is avalable in Linux that does the same stuff.

Also you can check out (this is if you are in Western PA) http://www.wplug.org that is the web site for the Western PA Linux user group, which I am a member and the people there are will me more then happy to help you or any one get up and running with Linux.