Court Compromise

The Supreme Court in a compromise decision will allow the public display of no more than 5 of the 10 commandments at one time. Justices stated that any full display of the commandments must be renamed the "10 suggestions" and must be accompanied by a disclaimer so as not to offend other Gods and their followers or lack there of.

No it's not a real story (yet) but we are getting really close. Here is the real scoop:

The Supreme Court is split when it comes to the ten commandments. With Justice Souter explaining “liberty and social stability demand a religious tolerance that respects the religious views of all citizens.” (Fox News)

George Will said of the ruling: “about 25 years ago the court evidently decided that the Establishment Clause's historical context, and the Framers' intentions regarding it, are irrelevant.” (Townhall)

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