The Huffington (only if we like your comments) Post

I debated if I should even waste my time writing this because I don't like to promote insanity in any way. Well, it look like I lost the argument with myself.

Arianna Huffington hosts her own website/blog dripping in the kind of liberal speech and ideas that if ever fully instituted would get us killed or enslaved within a year. She allows other liberal heros, who were obviously deprived of oxygen at birth, to be guest bloggers and write their own rants and raves in an effort to spark a few desperate "attaboys" from those who read the posts.

One of her guest bloggers is none other then Cindy Sheehan, the mother of the Casey Sheehan who was killed in action in Iraq. She's the women who has been camped 5 miles down the road from President Bush's ranch.

Mrs. Sheehan posts her thoughts and updates on the 3 rings circus she calls a protest live from Crawford, TX. As with most blogs, readers are able to post their own comments. Or so it appears. There are comments from both for and against Mrs. Sheehan but PowerBlog! has discovered that not all posts appear on the site.

For example, Powerball posted a loving response to Mrs. Sheehan's question of what noble cause her son died for. It never appeared on the site. (It did appear on PowerBlog!) As one reads through the comments, it's clear that many posts do not ever appear as some readers post comments multiple times in and effort to get one to show up.

Is this a glitch or censorship. I do not know. Huffington has the right to post or not post whatever she likes on her site. Yet those who are so defensive of free speech against the President, appear not to allow the same when it goes against their agenda.

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