The Distraction of Narnia

Shaun Pierce

I have run into so many Christians who are giddy over the new Narnia movie "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". I'm having flashbacks to the "Passion of Christ" release that stirred up a fantastic following of Christians who hailed the "gospel according to Mel Gibson" as the second coming.

I don't mean to put a damper on things. In fact, I have not even seen the Narnia movie, and I don't plan on it until it's playing in my living room. My objection is based on this.... IT'S JUST A MOVIE!

Oh sure, it may be a great movie. It may even be the greatest movie ever made but it's still just entertainment. Nothing more.

There are some Christians that a year ago would have grabbed a torch and pitchfork at the mere mention of "Disney". Now that the house of mouse dropped $150 million into a movie that Christians may want to see, the water is under the bridge.

I don't understand why we all flock to revamped stories of the gospel. Do we really need to put Christ in a lion costume to present him to the world? Does the presentation of the good news require the guy who directed "Shrek"?

The film director Andrew Adamson said in an interview:
"I feel comfortable that I've made a movie of the book. And if you found spiritual messages in the book, you'll probably find them here. If not, you won't. However you enjoyed the books, you'll enjoy the movie."

Adamson gets it. You put $150 million on the line and you want the largest audience possible. Who cares if they are Christians, so long as they have the 10 bucks to get in. Yet we all line up like lemmings. Saddleback Church, the mega-church run by Rick Warren bought 20,000 tickets for a special "Narnia" screening.

I don't expect this film to change the world. I don't expect much of an impact at all. Unless you own Disney stock.

So is Aslan really on the move? Sure he is. You are about to see him on cereal boxes, in Happy Meals and on toilet paper wrapping. I can't wait for the sequal.

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