Roadtrip! Join Powerball in Washington DC

I did this last year and we had such a great time (for a great cause) we are doing it again. This year YOU are invited.

Be part of this year's annual pro-life march in our nation's capital with me and other WORD·FM listeners by reserving your seat on the 101.5 WORD·FM LIFEbus. Sen. Rick Santourm is the Honorary WORD·FM LIFEbus Chairman and there will be a special message from him for the folks on our bus.

We'll leave early and return late on January 23. Be sure to dress for the weather as we will be outdoors most of the day. I'll be your guide in Washington, D.C., as we take part in the March between the White House and the Washington Monument, and then on to the Supreme Court. We'll hear encouragement from speakers and pro-life legislators, and join together in prayer that the tragic Roe vs. Wade verdict be overturned. Time permiting, we will attend a special reception hosted by Sen. Rick Santourm.

There are a limited number of seats so Call 1-800-891-4414 to reserve your seat today. It's only $14 per person. Cost does not include lunch, subway fare, and other personal expenses. the Bus will leave and return from Parkway Center Mall, in Green Tree.

Take a day and join me in Washington DC. I hope to see you you on the bus. Call 1-800-891-4414 to reserve your seat!

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