Again, Obama tried to claim his anti-small town comment was a mistake saying he meant that people “end up focusing on those things that are constant, like religion.” Which makes no sense because he also rattled off other negative traits, like racism. The moderators seemed to miss this. Obama further explained “They end up feeling "This is a place where I can find some refugee. This is something that I can count on." They end up being much more concerned about votes around things like guns, where traditions have been passed on from generation to generation. And those are incredibly important to them.” (Transcript – IHT)

From Larry Elder: Obama apparently believes one embraces religion out of bitterness, not due to spirituality, values, belief in or the acceptance of and submission to a higher power. Perhaps this explains why Obama clung to the Trinity Church of Christ for 20 years, with its anti-Semitic, anti-white, anti-American, conspiracy-believing pastor, Jeremiah Wright. If Obama attended the church out of "bitterness," surely, his reasoning goes, others do so as well. (Townhall)

Hillary blasted Obama for the Wright controversy, saying “For Pastor Wright to have given his first sermon after 9/11 and to have blamed the United States for the attack, which happened in my city of New York, would have been just intolerable for me. And, therefore, I would have not been able to stay in the church. You can pick your pastor. You can't pick your family, but you can pick your pastor." (ABC News)

Liberals were quite upset Obama and Hillary were asked questions that challenged their character. (Huffington Post)

From MSNBC: Could tonight's true winner be John McCain? We're betting that's the unanimous pundit scoring tonight. (MSNBC)

Jonathan Alter, who claims without hesitation, evidence or specifics “The GOP is out of synch with the American public on most major issues,” worries the bitter issue could hurt Obama. (Newsweek)

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