Street Cash For Primary Day

From the story: …[T]the Los Angeles Times reports that the Barack Obama campaign says it won't pass out street cash for primary day, and Philadelphia ward leaders warn that their foot soldiers could defect to Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Then the Clinton people say they, too, aren't reaching into their wallets. To every reporter who will listen, and there are many, ward leaders and committee people use this as an occasion to ask for money. They're not dumb.

Carol Ann Campbell is a West Philadelphia ward leader. She's secretary of the Democratic City Committee, a former city councilwoman, a super-delegate. "I find this despicable," she said by phone the other day.

What, the lack of folding money?

No, the attention she and other Philadelphia politicians are getting for a time-honored local custom.

"The committee people and the ward leaders have to buy lunch for hundreds of people, otherwise they won't have good workers. They have to buy coffee, orange juice and doughnuts. That's just the way it is."

It would take a good $400,000 to $500,000 to properly arm the 14,000 people the machine can put on the street, she says. Read more...

So a Democrat primary presidential candidate is expected to pony up about $35 per Democrat “activist” in Philadelphia! No wonder some Philadelphia precincts are rumored to report more than 100% turnout.

Just to think that for the last 12 years, I have been pulling the 13-hour shift for free at the polls, handing out literature in all kinds of weather because I believed in the candidate. How could I be so stupid? Show me the $$$$$!

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