God's Design Flaw

We recently spoke to emergent church leader Brian McLaren. I could write a thousand blog posts on him alone, but I'll leave that to someone else. Brian said something that started me thinking.

He was talking about how for the first time in history we are destroying the planet faster then it could ever be repaired. We are in fact responsible for the rapid destruction of earth he says.
While I think that theory is a bunch of toxic garbage in itself, let's explore it for a moment.
If you believe that God created earth & man, then you must believe he intended man to live on earth. (Are you with me so far?) God also gave us dominion over the earth. We are to "go forth and multiply" So, if God's own creation is now destroying his other creation by simply driving a car fueled by what came out of the earth( and using hair spray) then it seems to me that there is a major design flaw on God's part.

Does "on earth as it it is in heaven" mean that somewhere angels are debating heavenly warming? Does the continual use of harps cause friction, that somehow cools hell and warms paradise to the point that some celestial coalition is calling for a immediate action?

Maybe God's perfect plan isn't so perfect. Maybe he just didn't think this thing through. I mean, he obviously didn't see that sin thing coming in the garden. He could have put a barbed wire fence around that tree, but no, he didn't think of that.

So then he sends his only begotten son to give us one last chance shot at salvation. We crucify him, and now many just flat out could care less about what he did. Does this seem logical to anyone? On the other hand, maybe God knows exactly what he is doing. Maybe he predicted all this as part of the fall. Maybe, just maybe, God does have a perfect plan and no C02 gas emission or scientific panic can change it.

The earth isn't in danger........ we are.

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