Voting for Change

I've ingested all the comments shoveled to my brain, from talk shows to cable newscasts and op-ed articles. As the pundits opine, I'm left feeling a bit lost. As the field continues to be whittled away, so do my hopes of a great president in the next term.

I was never sold on Mike Huckabee. Seeing Huckabee buddy up to the likes of prosperity TV preacher Kenneth Copeland did not sway me in his direction at all.

The religious litmus test that some apply is concerning to me. If you look back at presidents over history, the greatest ones would not have earned the "evangelical approved" stamp. Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson. Even Kennedy as a Catholic was put through the evangelical ringer before his election.

"Evangelical Christians" have put a very different twist on even the term "evangelical." They have sullied and secularized it by attaching it to a political agenda. They tend to identify themselves not simply by what they believe, but by the stance they take on issues. The result is an exclusive members only club that has thrown a very finicky portion of voters into a full blown tantrum.

The Christian membership card is not enough to get my vote. Sure, the pro-life issue is important. Social policy is important. Yet, I'd rather vote for a competent pagan then an incompetent believer. I'm not saying Huckabee is incompetent, it's just I won't cast a vote based on his religion. I've known plenty of Christians that I would not let run a lawn mower, much less the country.

I'd love to get the complete package. An honest, trust worthy leader who prays before every decision and is spiritually connected to almighty God. However, the pope cannot run for office. (That was joke for my evangelical readers)

Mitt Romney is likeable guy. I really did not care if he is a Mormon. I'm not voting for a spiritual leader. Still, I was not willing to declare him the one to lead this nation. I guess I was not alone.

John McCain has earned my respect as a war hero. So with all due respect, I think McCain is a lose cannon. I'm waiting for that Howard Dean crazy scream moment where we all look at each other and wonder, should this guy be near nuclear weapons? The fact is I don't trust McCain enough to vote for him. He has made a name for himself by going in his own direction. I think I'll do the same.

When you consider the "evangelical factor" and how the collision of the Mormon issue, the independent voters and conservatism plays, I'm not sure what faction of the GOP I stand with.

We suddenly have the same problem in the GOP that we have in the church. We have all sub-divided into our own camps and to hell with the other guys we used to hang out with. It's the perfect strategy for losing.

The democrats have one big thing going for them. Whoever gets the nomination, will get the votes. Sure Hillary & Obama take shots, but at the end of the day no one will saw the donkey in half. Don't expect a Hillary fan to vote for a republican in protest.

The GOP on the other hand has a split the size of the Grand Canyon. Endorsements and press releases are not a big enough band-aid to cover the wound.

I remember watching Sen. Obama speak at the Democratic National Convention and thinking, "this guy is good." In fact he was so smooth he scared me. Don't get me wrong; he is as liberal as they come. He is also the guy who is going to be our next president if my guess is correct.

So I'm faced with a choice. Vote for a person I don't really care for and I think is going to lose, or vote for a person who is going to win and hope the damage will be minimal. Either way, this is going to hurt a bit.

I don't think anyone should just sit this one out. Some are calling for that. It's your duty to vote.

It's sad that this is the best field of candidates that comes forward. (Don't email me about Ron Paul or Ralph Nader or anyone else that doesn't stand a remote chance of winning)

Obama's theme is "change." I'm considering voting for Obama. (What, did he just say that?) Not because I like him or his ideas, but because I can just as easily vote against someone as I can for. Right now I'm about ready to vote for change. In the GOP that is....... Maybe someone will rescue us in four long years.

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