Fr. James Wehner Interview

Many of your requested the chance to hear the Fr. Jim Wehener interview again. After some technical battles it is now available. The audio is not the best but it is what it is.

This is the recorded interview with Fr. James Wehner, Rector of St. Paul Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA from the John & Stephanie show on 101.5 WORD FM om 1/24/08


Anonymous said...

Thanks for airing the interview with Fr. Jim, I feel that he cleared up a lot of misconceptions about what Catholics really believe and why, and he pointed out where in the Bible our beliefs are taken from. I have a lot of Non-Catholic friends who feel that Catholics aren't christians, so hopefully some of them were listening to Fr. Jim.

~Mark said...

I'm curious as from where the authority for marriage annulment is drawn.

~Mark said...

I should rephrase that for clarity. I'm curious to know the theological foundation for the concept of annulment.

Shaun Pierce said...

Great question. A marraige is recognised as valid in two forms. Legally, by the governmant and as a spirtiual union by the church.

These are both independent of each other. A marrige by a Judge may not be recognised by the church.

In the Catholic faith marriage is a Sacrament. That is to say one is called by God to marriage. Much as one would be called to religious life.

If two people seek marriage for invalid reasons in the church, it is the responsiblity of the priest to refuse to marry them. However, sometime false intent is not always evident.

Therefore since it is the authority of the church to administer the Sacrament, it is also their responsibilty to determine if it was valid.

Scripture tells us the God hates divorce, yet it was allowed due hard hearts. While we can't know a persons heart, the church is put in the awful position of determining if one is simpliy attenoting to discard a vaild vow before God and church members or if there is truly some misleading factors that presents one person in said marriage as a victim.

I hope that answers you question.