Planned Parenthood to Push 'Pro-Abortion' Candidates

( - The Planned Parenthood Federation of America reportedly plans to spend $10 million in a major effort to elect pro-abortion-rights candidates to Congress and the White House in November, the Wall Street Journal reported. Read more..

Meanwhile, about $300 million (about one third of Planned Parenthood’s total income) comes from our tax dollars.

When an attempt was made to defund Planned Parenthood in the Pennsylvania House, State Representative Tangretti, who claims to be pro-life and has the endorsement of the PA Pro-Life Federation, argued against the motion. We need real pro-life candidates!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a truly dehumanizing world we live in. We refer to our workforce as "Human Resources" and to pregnancy as "Reproductive Rights". Sad, sad indeed.