From the story: Individual taxpayers would get up to $600 in rebates, working couples $1,200 and those with children an additional $300 per child under the agreement. In a key concession to Democrats, 35 million families who make at least $3,000 but don't pay taxes would get $300 rebates.

However, (You knew that was coming) keep an eye on the Senate as some Dems will attempt to attach spending to to the deal. Only in a liberal mind does that compute. (FOX News)

From the Wall Street Journal: We doubt it'll help the economy much, if at all, but then the real point of this exercise is to stimulate voters into absolving the political class of any blame for a recession. (WSJ)

My 2 cents: Look folks, I'll take a refund of my money any day. Having said that, I don't buy the recession panic. It does not add up. If you want to scare people into a recession, they might be on the right track, but a few days of Wall Street panic and people buying homes they can't afford is nothing new. We need to make tax cuts permanent and cut taxes on business. I'd prefer they let us keep more of our money instead of tossing us a bone when someone decides we are not spending enough.

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