Bobby Schindler has endorsed Mike Huckabee

Terri Schiavo's brother Bobby Schindler has endorsed Mike Huckabee for president and his support could help the former Arkansas governor receive more votes today in Florida. Schindler has been an outspoken advocate of the disabled and his family's foundation has helped patients like Terri get appropriate medical treatment.

Schindler says he supports Huckabee for his views on the sanctity of life.
"I am pleased to announce my personal support of Governor Mike Huckabee’s candidacy for President of the United States," Schindler said, adding that the endorsement didn't represent the foundation.

"Governor Huckabee has a long and distinguished record of championing the rights of the unborn and vulnerable in our nation," Schindler added, according to a statement obtained.

"His commitment to the cause of life makes him uniquely qualified to lead our nation through the moral and ethical quagmire that has resulted from 35 years of disrespect for innocent human life," Schindler added.

"I am confident that Governor Huckabee recognizes all life as having value and dignity and, as President, will not only fight to defend the lives of the unborn, but will fight with just as much passion to protect those who, like my sister Terri Schiavo, live with cognitive disabilities," Schindler concluded.

Terri was killed on March 31, 2005 when her former husband won a protracted legal battle against the Schindler family for the right to disconnect her feeding tube.

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