Boxer Drops the Gloves on Abortion

As expected, the Senate votes over the 2008 Foreign Operations spending bill turned into an abortion showdown over the inclusion of the Mexico City policy. Although the policy--which bars the U.S. from funding any organization that performs or promotes overseas abortion--dates back to the Reagan years, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) led the charge to abolish it.

In the end, her efforts to strip the Mexico City policy from the bill prevailed by a 53-41 vote. Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kans.) responded quickly with an amendment of his own to strike the language, but it failed by the same 12-vote margin. Unfortunately, Boxer's amendment is considered even more extreme than the House version.

In keeping with his promise, President Bush reminded Senate liberals that theirs is not the final word on the Mexico City policy. The White House issued a statement renewing the President's vow to veto any bill that weakens America's laws on abortion. Thank you President Bush for consistently putting innocent human life first--even when it means postponing legislation that his administration wants passed.

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