Catholic Group Boycotts Miller

You know when Catholics get involved in a beer boycot things are serious!

I posted on this earlier in the week. Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League urged more than 200 religious organizations to join his group in refusing to buy products from the Miller Brewing Company because of the company's sponsorship of the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco this weekend.

This all started when Miller sponsored an event that featured an obscene ad mocking the Last Supper. I decided to post a photo with very little detail in this post so you can get the idea. When questioned on it, Miller offered this lame statement:

"While Miller has supported the Folsom Street Fair for several years, we take exception to the poster the organizing committee developed this year. We understand some individuals may find the imagery offensive and we have asked the organizers to remove our logo from the poster effective immediately"
The ad is promoting the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco -- essentially a multi-city block party for homosexuals. It shows a group of men and women scantily clad, at a long table, laden with sex toys and sado-masochistic implements.
Homosexuals want to be a respected minority yet they tolerate this anti-Christian bigotry and perversion in the streets.

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