The Hillary Pay Off

It could be a preview of her strategy for handling terrorist states, as Hillary Clinton is now urging a new aid package for North Korea in the hope of persuading dictator Kim Jong Il to give up his nuclear weapons program. Otherwise known as a pay off to a terrorist.

In a Washington Post op-ed piece co-authored with Sen. Carl Levin on Tuesday, Mrs. Clinton blamed President Bush for bungling the nuclear face-off. "While the [Bush] administration wrangled internally about whether to negotiate seriously with North Korea, Pyongyang was using the time to break out as a nuclear power," she complained. "Indeed, in February the North Koreans declared that they have a 'nuclear weapons arsenal.'"

Mrs. Clinton recommended that President Bush follow the example set by his predecessor, and pledge to give North Korea a massive aid package.

"Seriousness is demonstrated by spelling out a package to the North Koreans that addresses their fundamental need for economic assistance," she insisted. "There is a precedent for this," Hillary said, claiming President Clinton's aid giveaway under the so-called Agreed Framework "froze the North Korean plutonium-based nuclear program for nine years."

A 1999 congressional analysis found, however, that the North Koreans began breaking their word almost immediately - and by the late 1990s had resumed the production of nuclear weapons. In 2004, Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright explained that she and her colleagues had been tricked by Kim Jong Il. There is nothing that would make a sane person believe that the same thing would not happen again.

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