Let's Get Ready To Rumble (O'Connor Retires)

Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has resigned. Judge William Rehnquist is expected to resign soon as well. That leaves President Bush to opportunity to appoint the first Justice in 11 years. With the balance of judicial power at stake, you can bet people from both sides of the isle are gearing up of the political version of "Smackdown".

The time has come for all of us to demand a stop to judicial tyranny by standing up and making sure that our President appoints and our elected officials confirm conservatives who will apply and interpret the law of the land and not bow to personal or outside agendas.


Jim Sandoval said...

Amen to that!!!

Now, if only Ginsburg or Souter would retire...

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can get the unconstitutional legal abortion outlawed again. We can not let the pro-murders in there continure their assult on human life.