Lynn Swann: Time to Get to Work

Most people are somewhat familiar with the name of football great Lynn Swann. Kids who wore his jersey to school now have their own kids are will be voting in November for a governor in Pennsylvania. Even though some were shocked to find their childhood hero was a conservative, Lynn Swann wants (needs) their vote.

I've seen Swann and his campaign go through the motions. They had some great national attention because of the celebrity status of Swann himself. The bus tour is rolling. Swann is making stops across PA. However, celebrity will only carry you so far before you must prove yourself. That time has come.

In order to win, Swann must defeat Ed Rendell by a decisive margin in the western part of the state. He will also have to run close in the southeastern section of the state in Philadelphia and its surrounding suburbs.

Swann will have to do a great deal to reach out to black voters who never vote for any GOP candidate. If Lynn Swann can't win those voters in the southeastern part of the state this November, then Swann will not will.

It's high time we begin to hear Lynn Swann speak to the issues. Not in some press conference or photo op. Not at some pre-game party in a parking lot. Get real and get to the people. Talk to us Mr. Swann. Tell us who you are and why we should vote for you. Then keep the promises you make. I get alot of "fluff" and promises of "big things to come" from the Swann campaign. Now it's time to run the race Mr. Swann.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I will be voting for Swann, I truly doubt he will win. You are right in that he isn't out talking to people. However, I heard him speaking one time about a month ago, and frankly, he isn't the best public speaker. So I don't think that, even if he gets out, he will do much damage to Rendell's campaign. What a shame! Then again, I think I'd rather have someone who isn't so "polital" in office. After all, look what the "politicans" have done to us recently! Yep, give me a normal, everyday guy!