This has no place in the pulpit. I'm ashamed this man represents in any way the Catholic church. Father Pfleger used a worship service to mock Hillary and promote bitter theology.

Obama claimed he was “deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause.''

Gee, this sounds really familiar. Maybe it's because only the names have changed. This is an ongoing issue for Obama.

First there was Rev. Wright, Obama’s anti-white/anti-jewish spiritual advisor and mentor for 20+ years and who was on Obama’s Presidential campaign. Then there was (and still is) Otis Moss III. He continuous the tradition of divisive preaching of opinion as gospel.
Now there is Father Michael Pfleger. This guy is yet another ‘spiritual advisor’ listed by Obama for the past 20 years and who was also on the Obama Presidential campaign.

Take a look for yourself:

I’m horrified. This is NOT proper behavior for a priest. He wears collar but needs a leash attched to it! The bishop needs to put him in a sanitarium for a long rest.

Again we come back to the more disturbing issue that no one seems to discuss. This man (and the two before him) was not booed off the stage. He was applauded and enjoying the hoots n’ hollers of fellow racists all masquerading as Christians going to church.

I've heard the defense yet again. "He is not Obama's pastor" "He does not speak for Obama" "Obama has 'distanced" himself from him".

I can cut some slack to a certain extent but come on people.Obama has consistently surrounded himself with racist idiots for advisers and spiritual mentors. Decades upon decades of that junk has been soaking into his brain. He didn't have the common sense or the decency to get up and walk out on these people. Instead he hugged them even closer, posed for photos and embraced their ideas.

Obama may want to appear as "Mr. Unity" but the evidence says otherwise. His apologies in for his long time advisers and mentors are growing old. Mr. Obama can pitch whatever defense he likes, but he can't control these men, the congregation at his church, or what gets recorded and posted on youtube for all to see.

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