Scumbag TV: Tape 3

In his third appearance this year, bin Laden deputy Ayman al Zawahiri promised that there would be additional al Qaeda initiated attacks in London, and further threatened the United States with an attack or attacks worse than on the scale of 9/11.

Is clear from his words that this war is world wide and it's a religious war. This despite the fact that not many are willing to call it a "religious war".

"If you continue your politics against Muslims, you will see, God willing,
such horror that you will forget the horrors of Vietnam,."stated Zawahiri to
the United States. He also reminded the United States and its allies of the
"hudna" or truce that Osama bin Laden offered last year in return for the
withdrawal of foreign troops from Muslim lands. "

"Didn't Osama bin Laden tell you that you would never dream of peace until we
actually live it in Palestine and before all foreign forces withdraw from the
Land of Mohammed? Instead (of accepting the truce), you spilled rivers of blood
in our countries, and we exploded volcanoes of anger in your countries." Our
message is clear: you will not be safe until you withdraw from our land, stop
stealing our oil and wealth and stop supporting the corrupt rulers."

This goof has more tapes then Steely Dan. If we are stealing oil it should be 2 cents a gallon. I think that turban is wrapped a bit too tight.

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