So Sue Me

Man I'm really not popular these days!

Back in January, I ran a story about Brett Haines. A judge had sentenced him to go to church after threatening to punch a black cab driver and using racial slurs. You can find the original post here.

Apparently Mr. Haines is a PowerBlog! reader. (Go figure) How do I know this. Well I received an email from him:

My name is Brett Haines. I have the ACLU in my back pocket. Yes do a search for my name. I would like to announce you will be sued within the next 6 months for labeling myself a racist. I am not a racist, just had a bad night. How does this feel? I will be glad to take your money. Be prepared. You made a foolish decision.


Brett T. Haines

Well in the words of our President "Bring it On" Mr. Haines. I'm so tired of people making bad decisions and blaming everyone within a 5oo miles radius. If you do something so stupid that it makes the Associated Press wire, people are bound to talk about it. It's freedom of speech.

I don't don't know if this man is a racist. I never met him and would not attempt to judge his heart. I do pray that he has learned something from this whole thing and will replace his bitterness with compassion.

Thanks for reading PowerBlog! Mr. Haines and God Bless you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a racist!
