HOT SHOT: The Next New Thing

The US military has given the first public display of what it says is a revolutionary heat-ray weapon to repel enemies or disperse hostile crowds.

Called the Active Denial System, it projects an invisible high energy beam that produces a sudden burning feeling.

Military officials, who say the gun is harmless, believe it could be used as a non-lethal way of making enemies surrender their weapons.

Moving ever closer to a war where no one get hurt......


1 comment:

The Unseen One said...

I have to admit it would be a good weapon to have in situations where you don't want to kill people, like civilians in a food riot and such. I've also heard of non-lethal sonic weapons that are in development that make people in its path... um... how shall we say... evacuate their bowels.

However, I'm sure they also have in development weapons which are NOT non-lethal.