Remember last year’s global warming hurricane disaster predictions that didn’t come true? It’s happening again.



Anonymous said...

Hurricanes are a function of many things, of which global warming is a small but increasing factor.

"Last April the Vatican sponsored a scientific conference on climate change to underscore the role that religious leaders around the world could play in reminding people that willfully damaging the environment is sinful."

Shaun Pierce said...

I'm all for protecting the environment. I'm not dumping motor oil in the river. However, the issue of protecting the evironment has been hijacked by whackos.

If you want to be serious about global warming be willing to admit there are things that remain unknown and denouce the crazies.

Rob Carr said...

There are things that remain unknown, but it is clearly known that most of the global warming is caused by humans and that it is extremely serious.

The wackos we can obviously do without.

Would you care to denounce the wackos that claim there is no anthropogenic global warming?

Shaun Pierce said...

I will denounce those that bend information to suit their agenda.

I don't personally believe global warming is caused by humans. It's may just be a cycle. I'm sorry but I;m not convinced.

Rob Carr said...

Recent NASA studies have shown that solar output has decreased over the past three decades. This means that an increase in solar output cannot be responsible for global warming. Had the sun not decreased it's output, global warming would be far worse than it is.

I debunked the "Pluto is warming -- it must be solar output causing global warming" on my own blog. The same line of reasoning applies to Titan and the other outer planets. Mars is a separate case, but easily debunked using some trivial orbital mechanical calculations.

The Vatican has stated that the evidence is clear: humans are behind global warming. And it is. It's also overwhelming.

I suppose the Vatican might be run by a bunch of communists out to destroy free enterprise. That's the usual explanation offered for why people claim global warming exists.

More likely, it's that the Vatican has people who are willing to read the science and evaluate it logically, and they realize the science is clear and uniform, and that those who claim it isn't are merely pushing their own political agendas.