PALifeVote.Org Calls “Pre-K Counts” Funding “Pro-Abortion”

With the PA State Budget earmarking $75 million to start a pre-kindergarten grant program, has called the program “Pro-Abortion Accommodation”. From the release:

“…the budget agreement includes $75 million for the NEA/PSEA "Pre-K Counts" initiative to begin a universal, taxpayer funded, regulated and unionized pre-school program for the state's three and four year olds. While the pilot program is for $75 million today, it will be billions in years to come. (Watch for higher property taxes to return.)

A major motivation for the NEA/PSEA initiative is because the union's Pro-Abortion activism has so reduced the number of school-aged children that there is a desperation to "salvage the jobs of teachers" and union dues by enrolling the SURVIVING children - earlier.”

Watch for government funded pre-school to be mandatory soon.

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