There is an old saying that goes “You are known by the company you keep.” If you apply this axiom to presidential politics and specifically democratic Presidential nominee, Barack H. Omama you will find throughout his life he has been surrounded by, and gravitated toward communist, socialist, and far left radicals.

Let me list some of Barack’s circle of friends and mentors. Some of them you know and some you may not have heard of.

William Ayers – Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Revolutionary Youth Movement and the Weathermen and Weathermen Underground. Ayers is married to Beradine Dohrn who was a member of all of the above organizations and convicted felon.
Known for having met and helped Castro, North Vietnam, and Hugo Chavez.

Beradine Dohrn is a convicted felon and see above.

Carl Davidson is a Marxist, and former SDS officer. Said Davidson: “He [Castro] is a remarkable man, with a photographic memory, wide knowledge and keen insights.... We should all wish Fidel and Cuba well, and double our voices against the blockade.”
In the mid-1990s Davidson was a major player in the Chicago branch of the New Party, a Marxist political coalition whose objective was to endorse and elect leftist public officials. Most New Party members hailed from the Committees of Correspondence (the Marxist coalition cited in the preceding paragraph), the Democratic Socialists of America, and the militant leftist organization ACORN. Davidson first met Barack Obama through the New Party, which endorsed the latter in his run for the Illinois state senate in 1996. Obama had actively sought this endorsement, and he used a number of New Party volunteers as campaign workers. (Source: www.discoverthenetworks.org.)

Another former SDS member and Carl Davidson collaborator is Marilyn Katz. She co-wrote the book “Stopping the War, Seeking Justice”. Oh, did I mention an Obama supporter.

Next we have Michael Klonsky, a former SDS Leader and founder of the Communist Party Marxist Leninist (CPML) and of course an Obama Chicago supporter.

Jodi Evans is one of the founders of Code Pink, a leftist anti- war anti American group. She is the daughter of Tom Hayden, one of the founders of SDS. Tom Hayden accompanied his future wife, Hanoi Jane Fonda, to North Vietnam creating a firestorm of communist propaganda. Both Jodi Evans and Tom Hayden have backed Obama.

We then have the now infamous Reverends; Wright, Pfleger, Moss, and Meeks. All of these men have a problem with America and anyone who has success and is not black. If you listen closely to their preaching you will find the “redistribution of wealth” theme woven throughout their ranting along with hate, racism and anti- American themes.

Last but not least is Frank Marshall Davis, Communist Party of USA. He is referred to in Obama’s book, “Dreams from My Father” just as Frank. Why does Obama not identify this Frank? The PoliticalAffairs.net web site, self described as “Marxist Thought” had an article by Gerald Horne. Horne said “ In his best selling memoir ‘Dreams of my Father’, the author speaks warmly of an older black poet, he identifies simply as "Frank" as being a decisive influence in helping him to find his present identity as an African-American”
This article goes on to describe Frank Marshall Davis as Obama’s mentor in Hawaii in the 70’s.

Obama says he is for hope and change. I am not sure what he is hoping for or what he wants to change; I fear he hopes he gets elected so he can change the USA to the United States of Communist America.

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