Soulforce Invades The Church

Willow Creek Senior Pastor Bill Hybels is the latest pastor has who has met with SoulForce. What is Soulforce? Here is their own mission statement:

The mission of Soulforce is to cut off homophobia at its source -- religious bigotry. Soulforce uses a dynamic "take it to the streets" style of activism to connect the dots between anti-gay religious dogma and the resulting attacks on the lives and civil liberties of LGBT Americans. We apply the creative direct action principles taught by Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. to peacefully resist injustice and demand full equality for LGBT citizens and same-gender families.

Pr. Hybels joins other high profile pastors including Bishop Eddie Long, Bishop Harry Jackson who have met with the group.

It's clear that Soulforce seek to manipulate the media in promoting their cause. They do this by publicly engaging "celebrity pastor". Last month they issued an invitation to families from Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church-- the largest church in the U.S. -- to share a picnic with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) families. It came from "Pastor" Jay Bakker of Revolution NYC church.

I have nothing against open, honest dialogue about real issues but this not about seeking truth. This group is promoting and seeking acceptance and approval of a sinful lifestyle. Would we entertain proponents of pre-marital sex, adultery, group sex, or bestiality? That may one of the next groups formed and want approval of the church.

The term used in the Soulforce mission statement is not accurate. Homophobia is fear of homosexuals. I personally don't fear them. Is is also not synonymous with "religious bigotry".
True bigotry is based on false beliefs and a ideology of superior and inferiority. That's not that case with Christians who base homosexual opposition on the Word of God. it's not my idea, it's God's commandment so Soulforce and all the other activist need to take it up with Him.

Homosexual behavior is NOT morally superior to other kinds of sexual sin - regardless of the acceptance it currently enjoys in our culture. In fact, God calls it an abomination. Again, that's not just a mere opinion developed by some pastor.

Soulforce is dangerous because of the lack of honesty. They are composed of people who claim to be Christians yet promote out and out rebellion toward the will of God.

So why don't we and all these pastors seek his counsel on the matter. "But now I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of sexual immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or swindlers not even to eat with such a one. - I Corinthians 5:11

I know there is a natural response to want to build a bridge and seek "common ground". I get that. But dialogue with "wolves in sheeps clothing" lends credibility to the wolves. I learned about all this from a Soulforce press release, not a press release from Hybels, Osteen, Jackson or any other.

We currently have some false churches who have traded God's Word for a feel good, do what you want gospel. Acceptance of homosexual behavior in the church should not be up for discussion. That fact that is is should sound a great alarm.

I keep saying this over and over. Some think I 'm just cheering my "team" but I'm not. Most churches out there are not churches. The are social groups for people who share common ideas. They worship those ideas together. It has very little (if anything) to do with God.

Anyone can say they are a pastor. Anyone can start a church. Yet discernment and wisdom do not automatically come with such claims. Please discover the tell tale signs of a true church and put yours to the test.

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