Foul Ball

By now most of you have seen the fight that broke out at a NBA game and the actions that followed. It has been suggested that the way to prevent this problem is to ban all alcohol sales. I disagree. I think it comes down to matter of personal responsibility. The fans who threw things at the players were wrong. The players the went into the stands were wrong. I want to know what you think. Should we ban all alcohol at sporting events? Post your comments.


Anonymous said...

I agree that people shouldn't drink because of what it can do. It's a shame that a basketball player who is a role model to kids reacted the wrong way. I never thought they should be role models because they play good b-ball.

Anonymous said...

Wine is a mocker beer is a brawler.
The truth is it's not the beer it is the person handling the beer who starts trouble. Instead of getting rid of beer. Lets make manditory anger management classes before a ball game. hheheh.