Well, sort of. The church issued a statement. From the story: Saddleback responded with a statement acknowledging "strong opposition" to Obama's participation. The church said participants were invited because of their knowledge of HIV/AIDS and that Warren, author of "The Purpose Driven Life," opposes Obama's position on abortion and other issues (AP). Regardless, many see Warren as giving credibility to a man who doesn’t really believe the Bible, though he often pretends to. From Obama’s book: I thought of Sasha asking me once what happened when we die—"I don't want to die, Daddy," she had added matter-of-factly—and I had hugged her and said, "You've got a long, long way before you have to worry about that," which had seemed to satisfy her. I wondered whether I should have told her the truth, that I wasn't sure what happens when we die, any more than I was sure of where the soul resides or what existed before the Big Bang (Time). Salem’s Kevin McCullough has been following the story (Townhall).

1 comment:

JacqueFromTexas said...

I'm all for treating abortion and those that support abortion in a manner that is consistent with the truth about just how evil abortion truly is. Deny communion to the Catholics. Admonish people from protestant churches. Do not offer to bosom of blessing to those that support the ultimate abomination. If abortion really is the murder of an innocent baby, then we should act like it.

However, this persecution of Rick Warren regarding his AIDS outreach endeavor is beyond uncalled-for.

Pastor Warren's attempt to do good is in no conflict with Biblical truth. Inviting Obama (who I consider the anti-Jacque and distaste vehemently) is not sanctioning nor blessing his pro-abortion views. His feticidal fanaticism is not perpetuated by his attempts to help the 2 million Africans that die of AIDS each year. I'm reminded of the Democrats for Life representative at a march I attended in 2003. She said, "If you were dying and someone was trying to save your life, would you say, "Hey, wait! Are you a Democrat or a Republican?" The unborn babies do not care any more than the 12 million children that have been orphaned due to AIDS.