Fred Thompson Record on Abortion Scrutinized

(Newsmax:) Unofficial GOP candidate Fred Thompson, who according to the latest Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll, came in a close second behind the current leader, Rudy Giuliani -- and beat everyone, including Giuliani, among self-described "religious right" voters -- may be in danger of losing supporters because of his record.

Combing through Thompson's archive, Newsweek found several files on his campaign strategy on abortion that could roil his 2008 bid. On a 1994 Eagle Forum survey, Thompson said he opposed criminalizing abortion. Two years later, on a Christian Coalition questionnaire, he checked "opposed" to a proposed constitutional amendment protecting the sanctity of human life. Read more...

Being the undeclared candidate can hold an irresistible allure - voters can project their values onto the candidate, becoming all things to all people. If Thompson is successful, this may become the campaign model of the future.

Update - Thompson video covering positions abortion, stem cells - click here....

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