Adelphia: Change of Porn Plans

Adelphia, the large cable company that began this month to offer hard-core pornographic movies on its system, has stopped the practice and backed off its plans. Earlier this month, Adelphia, the fifth-largest cable provider, began offering the porn to its Southern California markets. In response, several pro-family organizations, including the American Family Association and Concerned Women for America, began campaigns to target the company. Those groups now are declaring victory.

Robert Knight, director of CWA's Culture & Family Institute, said in a statement " This stuff is illegal. Obscenity is not protected under the First Amendment," Knight said. "We'd give Adelphia a pat on the back, except that they should not have planned to break the law in the first place. Nobody who peddles porn cares a whit about women and children, or the men who get addicted and destroy their marriages and families."

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