The Worst Invention

This news may be alarming to clock manufacturers but the alarm clock may be the worst invention of all time.
That’s the news from the editors of Mobile PC magazine, who have just selected the five worst inventions of all time. Editor Christopher Null admits the choice may be offbeat but figures if he has to explain why alarm clocks suck than “ must enjoy mornings more than we do.” Other inventions that aren’t so inventive include the VHS tape rewinder, which may sound like a good idea but only for people who can’t wait three minutes for a tape to rewind. Null also gives low marks to the Furby, saying the only thing geekier than owning one is “speaking Klingon” and figures the only thing the Bow-Lingual Dog Translator is good for is discovering how many ways a pooch can say, “I’m hungry but confused.”

What do you think is the worst invention?????????

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