"EMILY's List, the nation's largest grassroots political network, is dedicated to taking back our country from the radical right wing by electing pro-choice Democratic women to federal, state, and local office." That's how Emily's List describes itself. It surely doesn't sound like a group that shares President Bush's stated goal of building "a culture of life."
Yet Emily's List is one of the groups supported by Henry Paulson, the President's new nominee to be Secretary of the Treasury. The Wall Streeter also backed the Senate campaign of New York's Chuck Schumer (Democrat-Liberal). Schumer has been led the way in grilling any Bush judicial nominee he even suspects of "deeply held beliefs" that might include respect for human life. Of course, George W. Bush might not be president at all if Henry Paulson's choice had prevailed in 2000.
Paulson donated to Sen. Bill Bradley's (D-NJ) presidential campaign. Bradley ran against then-Vice President Al Gore (D) in the primaries--attacking Gore for having formerly supported the idea that taxpayers should not be forced to pay for abortions. The Bush Administration is reportedly long on loyalty among its appointees; had Paulson had his political way, someone besides the President and his party would now be doing the appointing and confirming.
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