Remarkably, they don’t note that the GOP had recovered nicely before the parade of October surprises. (CBS News) In an August Gallup poll, the once huge Democratic lead was dropped down to a two point lead. At the time, Gallup noted “Republicans are likely to perform better at the polls in November than would be indicated by pre-election surveys based on registered voters.” The GOP closed a once 16 point gap. (Gallup) Meanwhile, the media ignores the above mentioned Reid stories that would hurt the Democrats, as Time Magazine promotes the latest October Surprise with an article by the man using it to sell a book. Notice they even used a questionable photo of Bush. (Time) The NY Times then coughs up this story on Bush’s meeting with some talk show hosts, claiming “Conservative radio hosts are breaking with the Republican leadership in ways not seen in at least a decade.” The story uses Michael Savage as a prime example, saying “Mr. Savage is the third most popular host in the nation, with at least eight million listeners weekly, according to Talkers. And the Democrats have watched happily as he and others have at times sent reverberations of conservative frustration into what they often call the “Republican echo chamber.” (NY Times) The ill-informed or blatantly biased Times (or both) doesn’t mention that Savage is a big financial supporter of the left-wing Jerry Brown. (San Francisco Chronicle)

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