$4.50, $5.00, $7.50, or $10.00 a Gallon?

From Gary Bauer: .... Sen. McConnell brought a bill to the Senate floor that would allow increased oil exploration, but his bill had a catch – a trigger that only allows additional domestic drilling if the price of gas reached $4.50 a gallon. You see, Sen. McConnell was trying to find out just how much pain the anti-drilling radicals were willing to let you suffer at the pump before they would change their failed policies and vote to end their oil embargo against America. Guess what happened? Senate liberals objected.

So, Sen. McConnell tried again. What about $5.00 a gallon? Liberals objected. $7.50 a gallon? “Objection!” $10 a gallon? Again, Senate liberals objected. In short, there is no amount of pain at the pump that would cause liberals to abandon the radical environmentalist agenda and end their oil embargo on America. And yet, in a time of war and record energy prices, Senate Democrats voted [last week] to take a month-long vacation!

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