Degrees Of Sin

I had a call from Tracy. Tracy called to correct the issue of sin degrees. She claims that all sin is the same in the eyes of God. While I'm always open to correction, I have to disagree with Tracy on this one.

There is a difference if one steals a nickel or commits murder. I doubt anyone would disagree. They are both sins, but not equal.

I believe God is a fair and just judge. At the time of judgment, I find it hard to believe that He would treat the two sinners the same under those circumstances as that would be anything, but "just."

In Exodus 21 God specifically differentiates "punishments" for different sins. This can't be if all sins are "equal" in the eyes of God.

The sin of Sodom and Gomorrah would not be "very grievous" in Genesis 18:20 if all sins are the same. The words "very grievous" themselves distinguish the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah.

In John 19:11 Our Lord said to Pilate: "He that hath delivered me to thee, hath the greater sin". Jesus Himself uses the words "greater sin." It's clear from the words of Jesus there are degrees of sin.


Anonymous said...

I agree that there are degrees of sin also, you couldn't compare a murder to someone stealing a pencil for instance.

~Mark said...


Thomas Dodds said...

When someone says that 'all sin is sin' is usually referring to aceptance into the presence of a 3x Holy God. Is this context, yes all sin is sin. The stolen pencil will keep you out just as much as a mass-murdering.

Having said that, the Scriptures do give us degrees of things. Reading the Scriptures prayerfully will reveal degrees of responsibility, accountability, reward and punnishment.