Oh the Irony!

On Dec. 16 the Post-Gazzette reported: "City Council tentatively approved new land use standards to crack down on check-cashing and payday advance outlets, barring them from opening in residential business districts."

On the same day another Post-Gazzette article read: "The city can pay its bills early next year, but only after borrowing money and paying up to $528,000 in interest costs. The city will have at least $22 million in bills on its doorstep Jan. 3 -- for payroll, workers compensation costs and other debts -- with no way to pay them. To pay the bills the Murphy administration proposed tapping a $40 million line of credit from three local banks, which it hopes to repay by April 30, using the proceeds from the new taxes, plus revenues from existing wage and property taxes.
Interest would be roughly 4 percent each month, plus $128,000 in administrative expenses, for a total of $528,000. "

Editors Note: Who voted for these idiots?

1 comment:

Bill C said...

They are only practicing what they see modeled by bigger government, in my opinion. Much as children will do as you do, not as you say, the city has no hope of a positive role model in the current state administration, and not really federally, either. Should we expect different?

P.S. I didn't vote for any of them; I don't even live in that county.