Another Question

I met a man last week. He was a pastor of an area church and upon learning of my Catholic faith he asked me the question "Are you born again? Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?"

Now I can't tell you you how many times I have heard this question. It always seems to be a direct challenge to Catholics rather than a genuine concern. My response to his question was this, "As a Catholic, I have the most personal relationship possible."

I could tell by the look on his face he was not sure where I was going. So I asked him "would you like to know how? " I'm not sure he really did but he said yes so I continued on.

A Catholic’s personal relationship with God begins when they are "Born Again" through the sacrament of baptism. In this sacrament, the Lord forgives mortal, venial, and original sin as well as permanently marking the soul with a sign of His grace.

When I do good works I meet Christ face to face. The sacrament of confession is also a personal encounter with Jesus. Christ established this sacrament to free us from our sins. When I read or hear Scripture I experience the Lord in a profound way. Prayer is my one on one conversation with God. The reception of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is the most personal experience one can have. I truly receive the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus Christ.

So to answer his questions I say yes to both. I believe I have a a closer relationship than the pastor who asked me for he rejects so many elements that bring us closer to Christ.

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