Terri's Watch: Priest Responds

Fr. Frank Pavone, national director of Priests for Life, issued the following statement regarding the choice of words Michael Schiavo used to mark Terri Schindler-Schiavo's headstone:

"Michael said, 'I kept my promise,' and therefore convicts himself of having killed Terri. Moreover, to say that she 'Departed this Earth' on February 25, 1990 illustrates the dualistic philosophy that Schiavo and his attorney Mr. Felos have. That statement shows no regard for the fact that a human person is just as much a body as a soul, and this hyperspiritual way of thinking justifies all kinds of physical violence. Such dualism has been condemned by the Catholic Church as a heresy. Any Catholic who does not renounce the kind of thinking demonstrated by Mr. Schiavo has ceased believing as a Catholic."

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