Bill O'Reilly to Quit?

O'Reilly told Newsday that he receives death threats and has to hire bodyguards. He can't check into hotels with his family. People on the street take his picture with their cell phones and then post it on the Web.

Almost exactly a year since he settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with former Fox News producer Andrea Mackris, the embattled life of O'Reilly has become an increasingly strange and scary one.

As a result of the lawsuit settlement, O'Reilly must have a third person present whenever he conducts an interview or speaks to someone on the phone. "Anyone can accuse me of anything and it's on a Web site," he said in the interview.

So little wonder that when Bill O'Reilly is asked about his future after his current contract ends a little more than two years from now, he blurts out one word even as the question is asked: ‘Retirement.'" But then O'Reilly backpedaled somewhat: "I might. I might. There's only so much aggression you can absorb.


Doctor Rick said...

OReilly is a hero

Anonymous said...

or, O'Reilly may be self-absorbed, holier than thou, woman harrassing, know-it-all who should retire!