On Sunday, Harry Reid said an Alito nomination would “create a lot of problems." (CBS News) Some cases and opinions of Alito. (SCNomination) From NRO: “In selecting Third Circuit judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. for the Supreme Court, President Bush has made a truly outstanding nomination that deserves widespread acclaim. By any objective criteria, it is doubtful that there is anyone now or in recent decades (yes, not even Chief Justice Roberts) whose experience and qualifications better prepare him for the Supreme Court.” (NRO) Democrats had threatened a filibuster unless they deem the candidate “somebody really good.” (NY Times) Liberals are particularly concerned over Alito’s opinion in “Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey” where he felt a spouse has the right to know when his wife is having an abortion. (NOW) He also ruled against the ACLU, saying a holiday display was not a violation of the so-called separation of church and state. (ACLU)

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