Biblical Prophesy in DC

There is a tendency for people to shut down intellectually when the subject of "biblical prophesy" is mentioned. Nonetheless, this topic has been quietly discussed at the highest levels of our own government since 2001, according to one source who was present at one such session when the rising tensions in Iraq and the growing rhetoric from Iran was being addressed.

The meeting took place following the election of Mahmud Ahmadinezhad, one of the leaders of the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy, as the Iranian President. "I don't think that it's something that is routinely talked about, but I won't deny that it [biblical prophesy] has not been discussed," stated this former DC insider.

"I am not, was not, that is, involved in many top-level policy meetings or strategy sessions, not by any means, and it's not something that I saw shaping any kind of policy, militarily or otherwise, [but] it was mentioned as a factor, a factor to consider when you are battling a very powerful and persuasive, a very motivated enemy who want to shape events to their own prophetic beliefs. You've got Israel, the Palestinians, Iran, the reshaping of Iraq, and at the tip of the spear you've got a principled man who carries strong religious beliefs making the decisions for the country [U.S.]. Now I was not privy to many sessions by any means, not by a long-shot, but I'm not surprised that it came up."

He declined to elaborate on the context in which biblical prophesy was mentioned, and did not want to be identified by name or position.

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