Help Needed in PA

Dear Friend of Life,

I am writing to you on behalf of Fr Frank Pavone of Priests for Life. We need volunteers in Pennsylvania to show the reality of abortion during this election year. As Fr Frank says, "America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion." This is the main idea of the gallery of images on the Priests for Life website at

Fr. Frank has teamed up with the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (CBR) to bring the "Reproductive Choice Campaign" to Pennsylvania from February until November. Information about this campaign is found on the CBR website, which also contains graphic images of abortion:

Fr. Frank is in need of your volunteer help to make this project a reality!

#1 Primary need: Drivers Would you consider taking on a 3-6 month "Truth Truck" driving tour across Pennsylvania? How about doing a driving tour in your local area for a few days? Long term or short term, CBR needs volunteers to drive their"Truth Trucks" across Pennsylvania. You don't need a special driver's license. CBR will provide training and insurance.
#2:Also needed: Housing for drivers
Do you have an extra bedroom or vacant apartment? CBR is looking for people who are willing to host volunteer drivers in their home for a few days or a weekend.

If you are interested in the possibility of driving a "Truth Truck" or hosting any volunteer driver(s) in your home, please email me at:

Thank you for your efforts on behalf of Life.
Sincerely,John Fagundes
Priests for Life Outreach Associate
888-735-3448 ext 297

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