What to watch for in the Alito hearings

The Senate confirmation hearings on President Bush's nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court will be contentious and at times nasty.For that, you can thank the decades-long power-grab by the judicial branch of government. Judges have usurped the functions of the legislative branch.

When watching the Alito hearings on TV, you will hear left-wing senators engaging in Orwellian gamesmanship, such as use of the term "judicial activism" to describe originalist judges (such as Samuel Alito) who base their rulings on the text of the Constitution as understood by the Founding Fathers, and the laws of this nation as clearly intended by the lawmakers who wrote them. In truth it is the Warrens, the Brennans, the Breyers, the Ginsburgs, and the Souters — left-wingers all — who have typified the "activist" judiciary and who have overstepped their bounds by making law instead of merely interpreting it.

If Schumer, Kennedy or Durbin wanted to introduce laws or constitutional amendments authorizing others to take away your home or mandating abortion demand, or allowing your twelve-year-old child to collaborate with health authorities to get an abortion without letting you know about it, they could do it. But of course they don't dare. They know you would vote them out of office in the next election. So they have turned to Plan B. They approve left-wing judges to lifetime appointments and let them do the dirty work.

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