Ed finds Money under the Sofa Cushions

On a day his Pennsylvania Transportation and Reform Commission was in Pittsburgh looking for ways to raise money, Gov. Ed Rendell announced he has found an extra $130 million for roads and bridges.

Wait. He FOUND $130 million dollars??? Was it in his pocket and went through the wash? Was it in the change compartment of his car? Did it fall behind some desk in Harrisburg. I've found a few bucks in my time but never $130 million of them!

Where did he find $130 million?

He said $64 million is from a surplus accumulated over a decade in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation's "tort fund," used to pay legal claims. The balance is from savings and below-budget spending in a number of categories, a result of "good PennDOT management," he said.

The extra money, along with more funding from new federal transportation legislation, will raise overall PennDOT spending to $4.8 billion in the upcoming budget year.

We should be able to paved the streets with gold for 4.8 billion.

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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