A Change At The Post Gazette?

After last week’s defeat of the high profile gun-control effort in the Pennsylvania House Judicial Committee, featuring a rare appearance by Governor Rendell, I have been waiting for the obligatory “Enact overdue ‘sensible’ gun-control now!" editorial follow-up from the Post Gazette.


Possible explanations:

1. An anti-gun editorial would have run over the weekend marking the start of deer hunting season, antagonizing more of their readership, and leading to another 4% - 6% drop in circulation.

2. An editorial slamming the House Judicial Committee votes would have hit too many Democrats with friendly fire, as the Democrats enjoy a 3-vote advantage on the House Judicial Committee.

3. A legitimate concern that Article 1, Section 21 of the Pennsylvania Constitution would have been violated with the passage of these bills.

4. Agreement with the Federal Government’s CDC report that increased gun control legislation does not decrease gun-related crime.

A few years ago, a Post Gazette editorial slamming the defeat of these bills would have hit the streets before the last House Committee person left the room. Call me naive, but I actually think that the Post Gazette is coming to realize that there are other deserving opinions on this issue other than the typical knee-jerk liberal response. For this I give them credit.

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