Party Over Principles

(Family Research Council) This week the Republican Party of Virginia passed a new requirement for people wishing to vote in the state's presidential primary. The new policy requires that 2008 GOP primary voters sign an oath of loyalty to the eventual GOP presidential nominee - regardless of who the nominee might be. For example, should a pro-abortion candidate win the Republican nomination, committed pro-life voters who sign this oath could face a general election scenario of either breaking their oath or violating their conscience. This bullying tactic will only drive voters away and worsen the wounds inflicted on the Virginia GOP in recent elections.

According to the AP report on this story, “There is no practical way to enforce the GOP covenant in the constitutionally guaranteed secrecy of the voting booth. Yet the oath is a concept Virginia's GOP has considered for years.”

For this bone-headed idea, the Virginia GOP does not deserve to win in any elections.

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