Mark Early of Breakpoint explains that the writer “uses his stories to twist and distort familiar biblical accounts of creation, fall, and redemption, making heroes of those who rebel against religion, and having one of his “good” characters even say, “The Christian religion is a very powerful and convincing mistake.” It’s sort of a Da Vinci Code theme for kids.” (Breakpoint)
More on the controversy. (FOX News)


TheBitterAmerican said...

Thanks. I've been looking for a good source for why the movie is so unpopular among us right-minded folks. Trying to keep my godson from seeing it and needed a good argument.

Shaun Pierce said...

No problem. The movie, based on Philip Pullman’s fantasy trilogy, is very anti-catholic but even the evangelicals have waved a warning flag on this one. Funny how it takes an atheist to bring Christian unity...

The full movie preview opens with the following voice-over “There is a world where witches rule the northern skies, where ice bears are the bravest warriors, where every human is joined with an animal spirit as close to them as their own heart. But the world is dominated by the Magisterium – which seeks to control all humanity and whose greatest threat is a golden compass and the one child destine to possess it.” The author presents the animal spirits as noble creatures and the Magisterium (ie THE CATHOLIC CHURCH)as mean and domineering. The visual even looks like Rome.

I know this is just a movie, but in reality (where I live most of the time)people are born with a sinful nature. You don’t have to train a child to be selfish and rude. They will be that way unless you train them otherwise. Human nature leads to all manner of cruelty and brutality if not kept in check by a society ruled by Gods laws.

I don't generally boycott things. I leave that up to your own choice. I am in favor of protecting our children but adults need to see this for what it is. Rather than just boycotting the books and the movie, I would hope Catholics welcome the opportunity to demonstrate to the world how different the Church is from the institution Pullman portrays.