The Democrats' Painful Silence

Michael Medved -
The tragic dispute over Terri Schiavo reflects America's partisan divide. Nearly all Republicans want her to live, while no prominent Democrat has opposed starving her to death.This is perplexing because the core argument comes down to a battle between Terri's parents and her one-time husband, who has long since entered a relationship with another woman who has born him two children. Why should Democrats so universally give priority to a marriage-–especially one so visibly frayed--over unbreakable bonds between parent and child?The Democrats' desire to hasten Terri's death unfortunately has little to do with reverence for marriage, and everything to do with abortion politics. Anything that echoes right-to-life arguments, even vaguely, becomes anathema to a party dominated by pro-abortion activists.A prominent liberal--say Hillary Clinton--could show courage by speaking up for Terri's parents, but in the midst of a life-and-death struggle the Democratic silence remains complete and painful.


Anonymous said...

How can you make such sweeping generalizations? All Republicans want her to live (i.e., Republicans are "good") and all Democrate want her to die (i.e., Democrats are "bad"). Do you say all Jews are cheap too? Or all blacks are lazy? Why doesn't your Republican president save her??? Maybe Republicans are not so good after all.

Anonymous said...

First of all Michael Medved made the comments. It simply a difference between those who value life and and those who don't. Abortion happens everyday. That's a lack of morals and a lack of value on life. This is a post-birth abortion! Terri is no longer valued. Therefore your life is not worth much either. We all all in danger if becoming fatally irrelevent. My President is your President and God is the one who will save her!

Anonymous said...

Then how about letting God handle it?

Fascinating how the "right to life" people worry about birth and death, but forget about the period in between.

Shaun Pierce said...

God will handle it. He will also handle those who sat back and allowed this to happen.