Terri's Condemnation

As options become more and more limited Terri is now into her 5th day without food and water. I hear experts debate both sides and wonder if a single one of them really know what they are talking about. No one has ever had a brain injury like hers and been able to tell us about it. No one has ever starved to death and been able to report back if it was painful or not.

This whole thing has nothing to do with Terri's wishes. If she is truly in a "persistent vegetative state" then she no long has any wishes or desires. Yet the natural human body desires sustenance in food and water. Those wishes are ignored.

Can you begin to comprehend we live in world that places little to no value on human life? It makes me ill to know any one of us would be allowed to discard another person when they are no longer of value to us.

I do not think it is by accident that this is all playing out on the world stage during Holy Week. The Vatican has defended Terri. The President has defended Terri. The faithful have defended Terri. Yet polls say most are in favor of letting Terri die. The other side of that poll is most are opposed to what Christians support. Would these have been the same people who shouted "crucify him" as they condemned an innocent Jesus to death? Remember, the "experts" of the day thought they knew best. They believed they were doing the right thing. It was only after the death of Jesus did they discover their grave fault.

I'm not saying Terri's death is the same as Christ dying. But there are some parallels that show we have not improved much in 2000 years. I will continue to pray and fight knowing full well Terri may die. I wash my hands and pray for the souls of those who have condemned this innocent woman to a tragic death.

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